Tamara Henry, M.A. is currently enrolled and studying:
The Magnum Opus programme in Applied Jungian Psychology
The Four Steps Of Transformation
NIGREDO: Jan-March 2017 Putrification: The Blackening: Archetypes, Complexes, Projection and Shadow
ALBEDO: May-Aug 2017 Illumination and Amplification: Symbols, Dreams, Active Imagination, Ego and Individuation
CITRINITAS: Sept-Dec 2017 Understanding the Nature of Relationships: Anima/Animus; Transference/Countertransference
REBEDO: 2018
The Magnum Opus programme in Applied Jungian Psychology
The Four Steps Of Transformation
NIGREDO: Jan-March 2017 Putrification: The Blackening: Archetypes, Complexes, Projection and Shadow
ALBEDO: May-Aug 2017 Illumination and Amplification: Symbols, Dreams, Active Imagination, Ego and Individuation
CITRINITAS: Sept-Dec 2017 Understanding the Nature of Relationships: Anima/Animus; Transference/Countertransference
REBEDO: 2018
Southern Belle Bible Belt Preacher's Sister ~~~ Cultural Creatives Foray Into Reality TV
Transformational Television Content Creators (the next level of reality show personalities) have to be able to embody their dark side and realize it's the juciest thing they've got. If there's not drama or conflict then the hero cannot come in and ELEVATE the situation and teach the audience about LOVE through the alchemy of a character. Gotta put down your pride and ego and give yourself in service to show others how to heal. REAL. First you have to show they are not alone, and that you too are struggling just like them, like all of us. Embody your demon like Breaking Bad. Don't hide your quirky uniqueness in fear and shame. Most cannot face their darkness and therefore have no impetus for an arc that would set their alchemical paradigm on FIRE. Instead, they just project their darkess onto the Kardashians ;) But as INXS sings, "Every single one of us devil inside." We have it all inside each and every one of us. That's what makes it a holographic universe and such a tricky observer created "reality." It's all just fuel for the FIRE, energy for artistic conversion and soul synergy. The Phoenix will never rise until after the ASHES. Fear keeps us from taking risk. What would you risk to be able to live your REAL dream?
Transformational Story Consultant / TV Producer
Tamara Henry, M.A.
Transformational Television Content Creators (the next level of reality show personalities) have to be able to embody their dark side and realize it's the juciest thing they've got. If there's not drama or conflict then the hero cannot come in and ELEVATE the situation and teach the audience about LOVE through the alchemy of a character. Gotta put down your pride and ego and give yourself in service to show others how to heal. REAL. First you have to show they are not alone, and that you too are struggling just like them, like all of us. Embody your demon like Breaking Bad. Don't hide your quirky uniqueness in fear and shame. Most cannot face their darkness and therefore have no impetus for an arc that would set their alchemical paradigm on FIRE. Instead, they just project their darkess onto the Kardashians ;) But as INXS sings, "Every single one of us devil inside." We have it all inside each and every one of us. That's what makes it a holographic universe and such a tricky observer created "reality." It's all just fuel for the FIRE, energy for artistic conversion and soul synergy. The Phoenix will never rise until after the ASHES. Fear keeps us from taking risk. What would you risk to be able to live your REAL dream?
Transformational Story Consultant / TV Producer
Tamara Henry, M.A.
Vanilla Fire on The Doc Side on the Road To Rio 2016
Sports Reality Docuseries
Millennial - Generation X - Baby Boomer
Bible Belt - New Age - Old School
Sports Reality Docuseries
Millennial - Generation X - Baby Boomer
Bible Belt - New Age - Old School
This Eco Mystic facebook page to the right contains spiritual information, links and videos that Tamara has collected over the years. Enjoy! Tamara- I wanted you to know that your accomplishments were part of the "Did you know" session they had during the Alumni Association Board meeting last week...there were lots of ooohs and ahhhhs over your accomplishments. Way to use your degree coupled with talent! Thanks for keeping us in the loop! Mary B. February 12, 2013 https://www.facebook.com/UniversityofSantaMonica |
Debbie Ford and Carolyn Myss have inspired me in my comedy work to embrace my dark side, and to realize that as a metaphysical reality TV star, my dark side and all its drama and conflict is the juiciest stuff I've got for the alchemical process of my work in transformational television.
Vanilla Fire: Sweet passion. The white light of spiritual protection.
The vanilla orchid is pollinated by a sting-less melipona bee.
Vanilla Fire - Serves the military, passes the torch and continues the legacy.
The vanilla orchid is pollinated by a sting-less melipona bee.
Vanilla Fire - Serves the military, passes the torch and continues the legacy.
Tamara is now producing comedy & music with the theme of patriotism. Join her as she takes America on the Road To make America great again.
TammyCashMusic.com |
Tamara created Vanilla Fire in 2007 and it was touched by an Angel. Mark Burnett gave Tamara her start as an inspirational documentary filmmaker when she sat in his office and he wrote her a check for her first project which sent her director to the 2008 Beijing Paralympics to create the film Unbeaten (2010 Oscar Shortlist) which was named Top Ten Olympic Film of All Time by TIME Magazine in 2012.
Tamara's oldest brother is a Baptist Preacher, Medical Doctor and just finished his Masters at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Tamara grew up singing in the church, studied world religions in her 20s, earned a Masters Degree in Spiritual Psychology, meditates daily and is an open minded hybrid of New Age & Christianity. |
David Lynch Foundation meditation and AURA SHOP - crystals, chakras and metaphysics set the foundation for conscious content creators & cultural creatives ♥

There are too many kids in this tub
There are too many elbows to scrub
I just washed a behind that I'm sure wasn't mine
There are too many kids in this tub.
~Sheldon Allan Silverstein
Tammy - California
Jordan - Arkansas
Charity - Florida
There are too many kids in this tub
There are too many elbows to scrub
I just washed a behind that I'm sure wasn't mine
There are too many kids in this tub.
~Sheldon Allan Silverstein
Tammy - California
Jordan - Arkansas
Charity - Florida
Judaism: The wisdom tradition.
Specifically, we address the need to recognize wisdom learned in our own life, how to apply wisdom in present-day decisions and utilizing the grace of Wisdom.
Christianity: The healing tradition.
Specifically, we focus on the laws governing healing as taught by Jesus and his cosmic consciousness applied to human biology.
Buddhism: The tradition of illusions.
The emphasis is on understanding the consequences biologically/emotionally/psychologically to your attachments/addictions/cravings or, as Buddha called them, your illusions. Understanding makes releasing illusions possible.
Taoism: The tradition of balance.
The emphasis is on learning the intimate connection you share between the laws of Mother Nature and your own physical nature. Balance is the key ingredient to your well-being, in all ways.
Hinduism: The tradition of equality and pluralism.
The emphasis is on learning to see God in all things, in all ways; to shed old ideas and allow for new.
Sufism: The tradition of constantly surrendering to God with love.
Specifically, we address the need to recognize wisdom learned in our own life, how to apply wisdom in present-day decisions and utilizing the grace of Wisdom.
Christianity: The healing tradition.
Specifically, we focus on the laws governing healing as taught by Jesus and his cosmic consciousness applied to human biology.
Buddhism: The tradition of illusions.
The emphasis is on understanding the consequences biologically/emotionally/psychologically to your attachments/addictions/cravings or, as Buddha called them, your illusions. Understanding makes releasing illusions possible.
Taoism: The tradition of balance.
The emphasis is on learning the intimate connection you share between the laws of Mother Nature and your own physical nature. Balance is the key ingredient to your well-being, in all ways.
Hinduism: The tradition of equality and pluralism.
The emphasis is on learning to see God in all things, in all ways; to shed old ideas and allow for new.
Sufism: The tradition of constantly surrendering to God with love.
Comic Bible:
Jane Lynch tells Tamara to mine the dark side and not be afraid of it. The part of you that maybe the Bible tells you not to be - go in there and look at it and make fun of it and then maybe it's not gonna overtake you: